Dear Auntie DD

A desk with a typewriter, cup and saucer, notebooks, pen, glasses and books

Dear Auntie DD,

I run an adorable bakery in a small Southern town where everyone knows each other. Every morning, this hot fireman comes in and orders a muffin. How can I let him know I’m interested without, like, the whole town knowing?

Really bad at flirting

Dear RBAF,

First, swing by the firehouse with coffee and muffins to show your appreciation for the dangerous work they do. While you’re there, drop a note into what you think are your love interest’s boots.

(Later, discover that the boots belong to another firefighter — who happens to be in love with your best friend [sequel!] but now thinks you’re in love with him — causing hilarious complications! The whole town gets in on it! Everybody thinks you love the wrong guy!)

Next, hoping to catch your love interest alone, climb the fire escape outside his apartment building and get stuck there in the pouring rain. When he finally comes home with his date for the evening and finds you there, be soaked to the skin and humiliated. Make up a story and flee.

(Here’s where you should experience more hilarious complications!)

Finally, decide to swear off love forever and put your heart into your business. Go on an all-night baking spree to prove to yourself and the world that you don’t need anything or anyone! Ever!

Fall asleep on your pastry counter, letting that last batch of croissants/baklava/scones set your kitchen is on fire. Stay right there, trying to save your business, until your firefighter shows up to save you and declare his eternal love.

(You might consider experiencing more hilarious complications around your wedding, and definitely go for a baby in your epilogue. Bonus points if there’s a snowstorm and husband-firefighter has to deliver his own twins.)

If nothing else, make sure you have good insurance,
Auntie DD

Auntie DD is our agony aunt in residence for all those awkward questions our dear characters so like to struggle with

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