Dear Auntie DD, I run an adorable bakery in a small Southern town where everyone knows each other. Every morning, this hot fireman comes in and orders a muffin. How can I let him know I’m interested without, like, the…
Writing Routines and Schedules and Processes, Oh My!
Welcome to the section of the blog where the delightful Dirty Discourse writers tell you all about their writing routines, schedules and processes – or lack thereof – in the hopes of helping you find the thing that works for…
Romancing the Beat – Answering Your Questions
By Gwen Hayes Welcome to a new feature on the Dirty Discourse blog all about your questions about Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes. I am Gwen Hayes and I approve this message. I get a lot of frequently asked…
How To Publish Your Book – Without Spending Any Money – Part 2
By Word Ninja Part 2: Craft In a previous post, I wrote about how to create seed money for publishing the novel of your heart by first producing a prequel. In this article, I’ll cover how to develop your craft…
You Can’t Edit A Blank Page
By M Alice A LIST OF THE THINGS I DON’T NEED TO DO TODAY 1. Procrastination. Writing is a lot of fun. Until you actually start. Then it’s haaard. Looking stuff up on the internet is a lot easier and way…
Dear Auntie DD…
Dear Auntie DD, My chaperone is busy playing whist and a charming gentleman that I’ve never met before has just invited me to take a turn on the terrace with him. What are the chances that we’ll be spotted by…
6 Ways To Get Over A Writing Slump
By Calista Jayne Are you stuck? Writer’s block has plagued authors since the beginning of time (give or take a few years), and it will continue to plague them into the future. But just because you’re stuck in a slump…
How To Publish Your Book – Without Spending Any Money – Part 1
By Word Ninja Part 1: Strategy Every day on social media, I see aspiring indie authors complain about how expensive it is to publish a book. But it doesn’t have to be. Once you’re earning enough to afford a good…
How To Get Your Work Working
By Ewrither Try this: Make it easier to write Writing takes effort. Pressing your butt into the chair then pressing keys takes mental effort.You don’t need much to make the effort worthwhile and productive: You, a comfortable writing position, a…
The Importance of Finding Your Writing Community
By HJ Perry 15 years ago I subscribed to all the writing magazines, attended many writer-focused events and joined every writing group I could find in real life and online. Some writing “communities” felt like businesses that saw me as…