Amazon Top 30 Author

What sets DD Vegas apart from other conferences is the smaller, more intimate size. It's easy to network with some of the best in the biz when everyone is hanging out in the same spot, as opposed to spreading out across the Strip. You really feel like you're part of a community who are all working toward the same goal.

Amazon Top 30 Author

USA Today Bestselling PNR Author

DD Vegas was the best conference I've been to in years. I met a great group of successful authors who shared specific tips and techniques for leveling up my business. As a co-presenter, I was able to share my knowledge about an area of publishing many authors were hesitant to enter. After the presentation, I heard feedback from authors who increased their income using the tips we provided. I also made some lifelong friends while I was there. I can't wait until the next DD conference!

USA Today Bestselling PNR Author

Amazon best-selling PNR author

DD Las Vegas taught me the fundamentals of producing indie audiobooks and helped me make a connection to a wonderful audiobook narrator/producer who helped my backlist earn enough money to allow me to quit my day job and write full-time!

Amazon best-selling PNR author

Eden Ember, SFR Author

It changed me, I began my new pen after that and the rest is history. I stood up and gave an accountability confirmation [...] and that has kept me going! I'm fastly turning into a 6-figure a year author, just a stepping stone to a million-dollar-a-year author. And the friendships I made there will last a lifetime!

Eden Ember, SFR Author

Krista Lakes, NYT Bestselling Author of Saltwater Kisses

Booking was easy, convention area was solid, and the presenters were very knowledgeable. I can't wait to go to one of these again!

Krista Lakes, NYT Bestselling Author of Saltwater Kisses